About Us
Dinosaurmadness.com is an online resource to help you find the best dinosaur-related things on the internet including toys/games, events, films, clothes and much more. Our site scans the web for anything dinosaur related and provides a price comparison service so not only will you find the perfect dinosaur-related items but you'll be able to buy them for the lowest price possible.
We help you find the perfect Dinosaur goodies by listing items by Dinosaur type as well as the usual categories so if you are obsessed with Velociraptors you can search specifically for Velociraptor toys or clothes. With a whole host of filters, you can easily fine-tune your search to help you find the perfect item quickly.
We do not sell any items ourselves and only link to approved trustworthy retailers and marketplaces. Many of our links are affiliate links and we are paid a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase from that store. This affiliation does not affect the placing or promotion of any product or service so we do not favour any retailer or product over another.
If you have any comments or suggestions then please feel free to contact us.